It me!

It me!

Hi there!

Thanks for dropping by :)

Rather than locking my dating profile inside a specific app, I thought I'd harness the power of the internet and put it out here for all to see.

If you're not a single lady, I'd very much love if you shared this with the women in your life who you can't believe are still single.

If you're an awesome woman yourself, please take a gander and reach out if you think we could be a match! My contact info is at the bottom.

(Last update: October 2024. Still single! Get in touch 😁)

The basics

I'm 41, 6'4", and interested in women. I've never been married, but would like to change that. No kids yet, but very much want them (like, yesterday). I've got Jewish heritage and love the culture, but I wasn't raised with any religion and don't practice any now.

My home is in Somerville, MA. I’m also subletting an apartment in NYC and spend a handful of days there a month. I also bought a lake house with my family last year! We spent a ton of time there this summer and it was divine.

Summer ‘23.

Summer ‘23.

My mom took this photo :)

My mom took this photo :)

About my life


I'm the co-founder of a software company I started in 2018 with two friends. It's gone super well! This year my co-founders and I hired/promoted some leaders and stepped away from day-to-day operation of the company. I’ve been telling folks that I’m retired, but that’s mostly a joke. I was pretty burnt out by the time I stepped away, so I’ve mostly just been taking it easy while lightly exploring things I might want to do next. Right now, I’m training to be a yoga assistant and starting swing lessons.
